The Revio system


The Revio system is a revolutionary new long-read high-throughput sequencing system. This unique system adds affordability, high throughput, and ease of use to a foundation of long reads, exceptional accuracy, and direct methylation detection.

Long reads

HiFi reads are tens of kilobases long, providing the ability to resolve large variants — like structural variants and tandem repeat expansions — and map to difficult, repetitive regions of the genome.


Exceptional accuracy

HiFi sequencing provides reliable answers through exceptional accuracy, with 90% of bases ≥Q30 and median read accuracy ≥Q30.


Direct methylation detection

HiFi sequencing identifies base pair-level DNA methylation in all runs, without bisulfite treatment.

See it all with HiFi sequencing on the Revio system

WHOLE GENOME SEQ15× increase in HiFi read throughput SEQUENCING

With a high-density, 25 million ZMW SMRT Cell, up to 4 SMRT Cells in parallel, and 24-hour run times3, the Revio system delivers 360 Gb2,5 of HiFi reads per day, equivalent to 1,300 human whole genomes per year. ​

The $1,000 complete, phased genome

HiFi sequencing provides small variants, structural variants, repeat expansions, methylation, and haplotype phasing from a single library and sequencing run. ​

50% fewer consumables and a vastly simplified experience

Operating the Revio system is simple, thanks to a combined reagent and sample plate, rapid run setup, flexibility to queue runs while sequencing is in progress, and no external nitrogen supply. ​

Google Health DeepConsensus on board

Advanced algorithms on the Revio system deliver exceptional read accuracy plus methylation calling in every run. Its optimized file formats reduce data storage needs through quality value binning and smart read ordering.

HiFi sequencing at scale

With the Revio system, you can achieve higher throughput to support large studies and develop novel applications. The Revio system can generate 1,300 human genome equivalents per year, 15× more than the Sequel IIe system, via:

Simplified consumables

The Revio system simplifies the HiFi sequencing experience with fewer consumables optimized for easy tracking and minimal waste. With workflow improvements, loading consumables takes under a minute at the instrument.

Revio polymerase kit
The polymerase kit contains optimized reagents to bind polymerase to 24 SMRTbell libraries in preparation for sequencing.

Revio SMRT Cell tray
One tray contains 4 high-density SMRT Cells, each with 25 million zero-mode waveguides.

Revio sequencing plate
The sequencing plate provides reagents for sequencing up to 4 Revio SMRT Cells and combines multiple parts from the Sequel IIe system: sequencing plate, sample plate, mixing plate, and SMRT Cell oil.

HiFi level accuracy and data quality

The Revio system produces the same — and better — read length, quality, and variant calling performance that have made HiFi sequencing so celebrated.

Read length
HiFi reads are tens of kilobases long, providing the ability to resolve large variants and map to difficult regions of the genome.​

Read and base quality
The Revio system provides reliable answers through exceptional accuracy, with 90% of bases ≥Q30 and median read accuracy ≥Q30.​

Variant calling
HiFi sequencing on the Revio system delivers high accuracy for all variant types, matching the precisionFDA-winning accuracy of the Sequel IIe system.

How Revio long-read sequencing compare

A workflow built for your schedule

The Revio system gives you a vastly simplified experience with consumables and software designed for flexibility and convenience. Whether you’re a genome center or a small lab, you can enjoy:

Fast, reliable library preparation
Library prep for the Revio system supports manual and automated preps with SMRTbell prep kit 3.0.

Rapid run setup
Sequencing plates are linked automatically to run designs through an NFC tag, enabling runs to be set up in less than one minute on instrument.

Flexibility to fit your schedule
The Revio work deck is isolated from the four sequencing stages, leaving the system available up to 20 hours per day for loading consumables for subsequent runs.



Nanobind DNA kits enable extraction of HMW gDNA from a variety of sample types.


SMRTbell prep kit 3.0 supports manual and automated library prep for effortless SMRTbell library creation.


The Revio system offers simultaneous acquisition of 4 SMRT Cells on a 24-hour run, with flexible run scheduling to fit your schedule.


Advanced algorithms from Google Health and cutting-edge NVIDIA GPUs allow for on-board processing of sequencing data, all with reduced output file sizes.

Sequencing specifications

A workflow built for your schedule

The Revio system gives you a vastly simplified experience with consumables and software designed for flexibility and convenience. Whether you’re a genome center or a small lab, you can enjoy:

Fast, reliable library preparation
Library prep for the Revio system supports manual and automated preps with SMRTbell prep kit 3.0.

Rapid run setup
Sequencing plates are linked automatically to run designs through an NFC tag, enabling runs to be set up in less than one minute on instrument.

Flexibility to fit your schedule
The Revio work deck is isolated from the four sequencing stages, leaving the system available up to 20 hours per day for loading consumables for subsequent runs.

Application performance

HiFi reads enable a wide variety of applications with different coverage, read length, and accuracy requirements. Based on typical yields and coverage requirements, the performance for select popular applications is:

Revio wins the R&D 100 award from R&D World Magazine

The R&D 100 Awards have served as the most prestigious innovation awards program for the past 60 years, honoring great R&D pioneers and their revolutionary ideas in science and technology. ​It is the only science and technology awards competition that recognizes new commercial products, technologies, and materials for their technological significance.

Revio receives the MedTech award for best overall genomics solution

Exceptionally accurate, high-throughput long-read sequencing at scale is worth celebrating!

The MedTech Breakthrough Awards recognize the top companies, people, platforms and products in the health, fitness and medical technology industries today.

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